Fraunhofer CCPE compact
Is your product ready for a Circular Economy?
How can products and product systems be made more circular? Which fields of action play a role here? How can this be tested? Fraunhofer UMSICHT developed the Self-Check Tool Circular Readiness Level® (CRL) together with Fraunhofer IML precisely for these questions, which will be the focus of the event “Fraunhofer CCPE compact” on October 28 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. The event is free of charge, registration deadline is October 21. Anna Schulte from Fraunhofer UMSICHT already explains in a short interview what exactly is behind CRL®.
What exactly is the Circular Readiness Level® (CRL)® ?
The CRL® is a web-based tool for self-validation, with which companies can assess the maturity of products or product systems in terms of the Circular Economy. It tests to what extent a product already addresses the strategies of the Circular Economy in the fields of product design, product service system, end-of-life management and closed-loop recycling and where there is still potential for improvement. The self-check is aimed at all actors along the life cycle of products.
What optimizations are possible?
Optimizations in the sense of the Circular Economy would be, for example: Making a product multifunctional or reusable, avoiding substances that are critical for closing the loop such as additives, establishing collaborative usage concepts, using refurbishment, increasing recyclability or using secondary and bio-based plastics.
What can companies then do with the results of the CRL®-Tool?
The CRL® provides an initial assessment of the extent to which circular strategies have already been addressed. In addition, the tool provides derived recommendations for action to improve the CRL® for the respective product. On the one hand, the online tool enables a holistic view or a focus on the individual fields of action product design, product service system, end-of-life management or closing the loop. Furthermore, it offers the consideration of scenarios, for example a current solution compared to future alternatives.
Who is the tool for and is it already avaiable?
Since June 2021, the Self-Check has been available online as a tool for companies to validate themselves. We would like to present the experience gained so far by industry and possible future areas of application and developments in the next Fraunhofer CCPE Compact and discuss them with the participants. If interested parties would like to test the Self-Check CRL® in advance, they should register via e-mail.
Fraunhofer CCPE compact Event
The Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Circular Plastics Economy CCPE started this year with the new event series “Fraunhofer CCPE compact”. The aim of the online format is to discuss new technologies, materials and processes for a circular plastics economy with experts and stakeholders.
Contact persons:
Julia Kast and Hartmut Pflaum (