NABU presents study
Newsflash, 5th May 2021
The global demand for raw materials has been increasing for decades. Enhancing the circular flow of raw materials via the recycling of waste but also via the reuse of goods can reduce the pressure on primary raw materials. In this study, commissioned by NABU, the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research examined the use of secondary raw materials in Germany.
The focus of the study is on indicators to measure the circular economy. It also examines the substitution ratio indicator, which measures the actual amount of secondary raw materials used as a proportion of all primary and secondary raw materials used. The study will also propose how, based on current measurements of the Circular Material Use Rate (CMU), a common indicator for the circular economy in Europe, and the indicator “direct and indirect effects of recovery” (DIERec), a macroeconomic substitution rate can be developed and collected.
Source: Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg (2021) Sekundärrohstoffe in Deutschland.