Circular Logistics

Efficient logistics solutions for sustainable cycle management

Many products contain materials and components that are valuable for the production of new products even after their use phase. Logistics tailored to the product is the first step towards their recovery.

At Fraunhofer CCPE, we develop concepts for the digitally supported recycling of materials and products in classic and service-based business models. By using digital technologies, such as product passports for planning processes and tracking products and their status, these systems can be designed efficiently and flexibly.

Would you like to reuse your products and the raw materials they contain after use? Contact us and we will work with you to develop a customized, efficient take-back system.

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Further Informationen


Digital Twin

Detailed recording and mapping of relevant status information on an individual product over its entire life cycle.


Digitaler Product Pass

Making information on products in the circular economy available in an understandable way


Circular material flows

Analysis of the material flows with regard to their temporal and spatial occurrence in order to make statements on recycling potential on this basis.

Latest publications

A User-Centered Perspective on Information Needs of Stakeholders in the Circular Economy
Preut, A., Mertz T., Cibulski L., Kopka J.-P.
Electronics Goes Green 2024,  August 2024  

Digital Twins for the Circular Economy
Preut, A., Kopka J.-P., Clausen U.
Sustainability 2021, Volume 13, First published: September 2021

Introducing the Fraunhofer CCPE “Circular Logistics” Team:

Our Research Departments and Competencies



Our Services

The range of services offered by the Fraunhofer CCPE includes a variety of products, technologies and services that are available for use in industry. This is an overview.