
Unraveling the cause for the unusual processing behavior of commercial partially bio-based poly(butylene succinates) and their stabilization.
Jannik Hallstein, André Gomoll, Antje Lieske, Thomas Büsse, Jens Balko, Robert Brüll, Frank Malz, Elke Metzsch-Zilligen, Rudolf Pfaendner, Daniel Zehm
Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2021, Volume 138, Issue 28;
First published: 04 March 2021,

Halfway to Technical Stereocomplex PLA Products—An Arduous Path to a Breakthrough
Evgueni Tarkhanov, André Lehmann, Andreas Menrath
Macro-Molecular Materials and Engineering 2020, Volume 305, Issue 12;
First published: 12 October 2020,

Long-Term Thermal Stabilization of Poly(Lactic Acid)
Hallstein J., Metzsch-Zilligen E., Pfaendner R.
Materials 2024, Volume 17, art. no. 2761;
First published: June 2024; DOI:  

Radical scavengingand processing stability of novel biobased stabilizers in polypropylene
Markus, K., Metzsch-Zillingen, E., Pfaendern, R.
Polymer Degradation and Stability 2024, Volume 222;
First published: February 2024; DOI:

Controlled and Accelerated Hydrolysis of Polylactide (PLA) through Pentaerythritol Phosphites with Acid Scavengers
Polidar, M., Metzsch-Zilligen, E., Pfaendner, R.
Polymers 2022, Volume 14, Issue 19, art. no. 4237;
First published: October 2022, DOI: 10.3390/polym14194237

Restabilization – 30 years of research for quality improvement of recycled plastics review
Pfaendner, R.
Polymer Degradation and Stability 2022, Volume 203, art. no. 110082;
First published: September 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2022.110082

Novel multifunctional antioxidants for polymers using eugenol as biogenic building block
Mayer, J., Metzsch-Zilligen, E., Pfaendner, R.
Polymer Degradation and Stability 2022, Volume 200, art. no. 109954;
First published: June 2022; DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2022.109954

Unraveling the cause for the unusual processing behavior of commercial partially bio-based poly(butylene succinates) and their stabilization
Hallstein, J., Gomoll, A., Lieske, A., Büsse, T., Balko, J., Brüll, R., Malz, F., Metzsch-Zilligen, E., Pfaendner, R., Zehm, D.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2021, Volume 138, Issue 28, art. no. 50669;
First published: 20 July 2021; 10.1002/app.50669

Analysis of the molecular heterogeneity of poly(lactic acid)/poly(butylene succinate-co-adipate) blends by hyphenating size exclusion chromatography with nuclear magnetic resonance and infrared spectroscopy
Malz, F., Arndt, J.-H., Balko, J., Barton, B., Büsse, T., Imhof, D., Pfaendner, R., Rode, K., Brüll, R.
Journal of Chromatography A 2021, Volume 1638, art. no. 461819;
First published: 8 February 2021; DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2020.461819  

Lewis-pair-catalytic depolymerization of post-consumer polyethylene terephthalate (PET) waste
Killinger, L.; Hanich-Spahn, R.; Flick, K.;Hashmi A.St.K.;
Polymer Degradation and Stability 2025, Volume 233
First published: 1. Januar 2025;

Chemical Recycling of WEEE Plastics—Production of High Purity Monocyclic Aromatic Chemicals.
Rieger, T.; Oey, J.C.; Palchyk, V.; Hofmann, A.; Franke, M.; Hornung, A.  Processes 2021, Volume 9, Issue 530.
First published: 16. März 2021  

Kunststoffe physikalisch recyceln
Moser K.
Kunststoffe 2022,
First published: Oktober 2022

A User-Centered Perspective on Information Needs of Stakeholders in the Circular Economy
Preut, A., Mertz T., Cibulski L., Kopka J.-P.
Electronics Goes Green 2024,  August 2024  

Measuring the circularity potential of recycled LDPE based on quantity and quality conservation - a functional requirement matrix approach
Schulte A., Velarde P., Marbach L., Mörbitz Ph.
Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 2022, Volume 17
First published: May 2022;

Methodology to address potential impacts of plastic emissions in life cycle assessment
Maga D., Galafton Ch., Blömer J., Thonemann N., Özdamar A., Bertling J.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 2022, Volume 27
First published: 22 March 2022,  

Digital Twins for the Circular Economy
Preut, A., Kopka J.-P., Clausen U.
Sustainability 2021, Volume 13, First published: September 2021 

Combining Life Cycle Assessment and Circularity Assessment to Analyze Environmental Impacts of the Medical Remanufacturing of Electrophysiology Catheters
Schulte A., Maga D., Thonemann N.
Sustainability, Volume 13, Issue 2;
First published: 17. Januar 2021, 

Valorisation of polylactic acid (PLA) waste: A comparative life cycle assessment of various solvent-based chemical recycling technologies
Aryan V., Maga D., Majgaonkar P., Hanich R.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 2021, Volume 172
First published: September 2021;